www.nuMaRk.coM P: [401] 658.3131 // F: [401] 658.3640
CD Players
Rack-Mount Dual cD PlayeR
• easy-to-use jog wheels for rapid track
soliD PerforMaNCe Power. cDn22 Mk5 is a straightforward dual-cD player for
mobile DJs and club installs. you’ll find that while cDn22 Mk5 is extremely
affordable, it empowers you with all of the cD-playing essentials for professional
performance. the cD player is housed in an all-metal chassis for rugged, reliable
performance. cDn22 Mk5 gives you rapid track access on its easy-to-use
multifunction jog/shuttle wheels. you can dial in the track you’re after in a split
second and also use the jog wheels for controlling pitch bend.
access and pitch bend
• Rugged all-metal build for reliable performance
• Beat match with 12% pitch control
• Programmable cD and cD-R playback
• two-piece rack-mount design with single-cable connection
• analog Rca and digital s/PDIF outputs
• Fader start automatically starts playback
when you move the crossfader
all information is preliminary and subject to change.
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