Vocal Processor
Operating instructions
Vocal Processor
About the Vocal Processor
Installing the Vocal Processor kit activates Equinox’s Mic/
Line interface, allowing you to sing and play instruments
through the instrument’s pre-amp, process the mic or line
signals with the internal Digital Effects Processors and di-
rect the processed signals to the stereo and mono out-
puts. In addition, the Vocal Processor feature allows you
to add vocal harmonies to your live singing, so that you
can play and record songs with your own harmonized vo-
cal backings.
You can easily upgrade your Equinox with the Mic/Line
and Vocal Processor features by installing the optional Vo-
cal Processor card and loading the new Operating System
software from disk.
The new features offered by the Vocal Processor
1. Vocal harmonies can be added to your voice according
to various preset configurations.
2. The signals input at the Mic/Line 1 and 2 jacks can be
independently processed by Equinox’s internal Digital
Effects Processors and directed to the outputs.
IMPORTANT: The new Op-
erating System updates the
instrument’s Flash Rom with
the new Vocal Processor
function, but it is indispensa-
ble that you install the Vocal
Processor card into your
Equinox to render the Vocal
Processor operative.
3. A microphone Equalizer is available to process the mi-
crophone signal at the Mic/Line 1 input.
4. New functions assignable to the Pedals are available
to control the Mic/Line and Vocal Processor. New MIDI
Controllers have also been implemented to control the
additional features via MIDI.
Loading the Operating System
The new Operating System upgrade rewrites the instru-
ment’s Flash ROM memory, therefore, before updating the
instrument, be sure to save all user-programmed data
(Songs, Performances, Grooves, Drawbars, etc.) to disk
or hard disk. If your instrument is installed with a SCSI
interface, you can save any user programmed data to an
external SCSI device.
With the instrument turned OFF, insert the Generalmusic
Operating System disk into the disk drive. After you have
inserted the disk, turn the instrument ON.
You will see a message in the instrument display screen
that says:
Loading OS-DISK clears ALL MEMORY!!
<Enter to Load/Escape to abort>
Press ENTER and wait about 3 minutes for the new Oper-
ating System to load. When the new system has finished
loading, you will see the following message in the instru-
ment display screen:
Loading Successful!! <Enter to continue>
At this time, Press ENTER again and the instrument will
proceed through the normal operating display screens. You
can now Turn OFF the instrument in preparation for the
final step explained below.
As you turn the instrument ON, KEEP ROTATING THE
DIAL until the following message appears in your dis-
play screen:
!!WARNING!! Dial on Power-Up Requests
Memory Clear!! <Enter to clear/Escape to abort>
Press ENTER. You have now completed the update proc-
ess, and your Equinox has been permanently upgraded.
2 Vocal Processor
To work with the Vocal Processor, the minimum amount of
equipment you will need is:
1. A low impedance microphone with a standard jack
connector on the other end of the cable.
2. An amplification system (domestic hi-fi unit, ampli-
fied speakers, mixer, etc.).
3. Although not essential, you can also use one or both
types of optional control pedals to control the Mic/Line
and Vocal Processor features: a switch-action pedal and
a Continous control pedal.
Microphone: to add vocal harmonies to our voice, con-
nect the Microphone to the MIC/LINE 1 jack.
Note: The Mic/Line 2 jack can also accept a microphone,
but this jack is not enabled for the Vocal Processor fea-
tures. You can sing (or play an instrument) through the
Mic/Line 2 input, process the signals with Equinox’s inter-
nal Digital Effects Processors and direct the processed sig-
nals to the outputs.
Switch and/or Continuous Pedals: plug the pedals into
the PEDAL 1 or 2 or DAMPER jacks, program the jacks
appropriately for a Continuous or Switch action pedal and
assign the new Vocal Processor functions to the pedal(s)
accordingly (Vocal Volume, Vocal On/Off).
Activate the Mic interface and the Vocal Processor
After loading the new operating system and connecting your
microphone to the Mic/Line 1 jack, the first thing to do is to
activate the Mic/Line interface and the Vocal Processor.
Press the SYSTEM button then go into the MASTER menu,
Now press the MIC/LINE button, (F2) to open the MIC/LINE
INPUTS screen.
Here, you can enable both the Mic/Line interface (Mic/Line
= ON) and the Vocal Processor (Vocal Proc. = ON):
Mic/Line = On
Vocal Processor = On
With the Mic/Line interface On, you can sing or play through
the instrument’s pre-amp, process the mic or line signal
with Equinox’s internal effects processors and send the
processed signal to the audio outputs.
With the Vocal Processor On, you can sing into a micro-
phone and add vocal harmonies to your playing.
4 Vocal Processor
Adjust the Gain
The next step is to regulate the level of the microphone (or
line) signal. With the front panel INPUT slider set to about
the half-way mark, speak into the microphone and adjust
the signal gain (impedance) with the rear-panel GAIN 1
control by turning in a clockwise rotation.
The GAIN 1 level is monitored by the In1 bar graph at the
top of the display.
If you insert your mic into the
Mic/Line 2 jack, you will not
be able to use the Vocal
Processor features.
Setting a too high Gain produces “clipping”, a signal distor-
tion which appears in the bar graph as shown below.
Clipping can be eliminated by adjusting the Gain to obtain
a “clean” mic signal without distortion. The screen should
show something like this, even if you shout into the mic:
Once you have set your Gain to the correct level, you’re
ready to sing or play through the Equinox and/or use the
Vocal Processor features.
If you’re going to sing or play through the Equinox, you
can regulate some of the parameters which intervene on
the Mic/Line signals on their way to the internal effects proc-
essors and main mix (functions In1 and In2). You can also
adjust some EQ settings for the Mic signal (EQUAL func-
tion). The parameters associated to the IN1, IN2 and
EQUAL functions are discussed further ahead.
Let’s first examine the Vocal Processor feature.
Vocal Processor 5
Understanding the Vocal Processor
The first thing to be sure about is what the Vocal Processor
actually does. Quite simply, it harmonizes the mic signal
(your voice) up to 4 times, depending on how many notes
you play on the keyboard; one note, one harmonized voice.
There are also two modes of operation; Vocoder mode and
Unison mode. In Vocoder mode, the pitch of the harmo-
nized voices depend on the pitch of the notes played on
the keyboard. In Unison mode, the mic signal is doubled
up to 4 times at the same pitch, without having to play on
the keyboard.
Each voice has an independent Volume and Pan control
and an on/off switch. There’s also a general Voice Edit
with LFO, Pitch envelope and Transpose controls.
The easiest way to learn about how to use the Vocal Proc-
essor is to try an example. Let’s try and listen to our voice
harmonized 4 times without other background sounds. In
Performance mode, the track whose note data is used by
the Vocal Processor to duplicate the voices (the Vocoder
track) corresponds to track 1, but you can assign this track
to any Performance part (syn 1-16). If you want to use the
Sequencer, you can assign the Vocoder Track to one of the
16 sequencer tracks (seq 1-16).
1. Make sure you have a Performance selected.
2. Turn off all parts of the Performance except Part 1.
3. Play on the keyboard and turn down the volume of Part 1
until you hear no sound.
6 Vocal Processor
4. Speak into the microphone and turn down the mic volume
with the INPUT panel slider. You should not hear your
voice over the amp system.
5. Now play a note or chord (of up to 4 notes) on the key-
board and at the same time sing into the mic.
You’ll hear a vocal harmony consisting of as many voices
as the number of notes pressed (up to 4).
You don’t necessarily have to sing - you can speak (or even
grumble) - the pitch of the vocal harmony will take the pitch
of the notes played, therefore, even if you sing out of tune,
the pitch of the duplicated voices will be exactly the same
pitch as the corresponding notes.
If you want to hear your voice as well as the vocal har-
mony, adjust the INPUT panel slider to balance your voice
with the vocal harmony.
Let’s now examine the parameters that you can set.
The Vocal Processor settings
You can change the default settings of the Vocal Proces-
sor as required and store them to the Performances. Each
Performance can memorize a different Vocal Processor
Setting the Voices
After enabling the Mic/Line interface and the Vocal Proc-
essor (see page 4), press ESCAPE to close the Mic/Line
Inputs screen and return to the SYSTEM MASTER screen.
Vocal Processor 7
Select the Vocal P. button, (F3) to enter the VOICE 1 screen:
Here you have the Voice parameter to turn the voice off or
on, the Volume parameter to adjust the Volume and the
Pan parameter to change the position of the voice within
the stereo panorama.
Using the VOICE + button, F3, you can select the other 3
voices and program the corresponding parameters inde-
Voice 2
Voice 3
Voice 4
The default settings of all 4 voices is ON.
Setting the Harmony Master Volume
After the Voice 4 screen, pressing the VOICE + button,
(F3), again opens the Vocal Processor Harmony screen
where you can adjust the overall volume of the Vocal Proc-
NOTE: At any moment, you
may want to store the set-
tings to the current Perform-
ance. Use the Store Per-
formance procedure ex-
plained in the Performance
Mode chapter of your Equi-
nox owner’s manual.
Use the VOICE – button, F2, to step backwards.
8 Vocal Processor
Lock (F1)
The LOCK button locks the current Vocal settings to pro-
tect them from subsequent Performance changes. To lock
the current setting, press the function button F8 to activate
the Lock.
If you prefer memorize various different settings to the
Performances, deactivate LOCK.
The EDIT button, F4
The EDIT button gains access to the Vocoder and Unison
selection buttons and various edit parameters which affect
the vocal harmonies globally.
Vocoder, (F1)
VOCODER mode operates by referring to the notes played
in real time on the keyboard, or reproduced by the se-
quencer. The Vocal Processor responds by shifting the
pitch of your voice exactly to the notes played.
Unison (F2)
In UNISON mode, the Vocal Processor duplicates your
voice according to the number of voices active (up to 4).
This mode is independent of the notes played on the key-
Each voice is doubled with a slight detune effect above or
below the input pitch according to the following scale.
Voice 1 = +12 cents
Voice 2 = + 7 cents
Voice 3 = – 7 cents
Voice 4 = – 12 cents
Vocal Processor 9
The Edit parameters
LFO Wave
Selects the waveform of the low frequency oscillation.
Assignable values: Off, Sinus, Triangle, Saw, Square,
Random, Sample/Hold.
LFO Rate
Determines the velocity of the LFO.
Assignable values: 1 … 200.
LFO Depth
Determines the depth of action of the LFO.
Assignable values: 0 … 7.
LFO Delay
Determines the delay before the entry of the LFO. Entry of
the LFO is gradual.
Assignable values: 0 … 64.
Pitch Filter
Checks the pitch of the voices. In FREE mode, all pitch
imperfections detected due to minor changes in the pitch
of the voice rest unchanged. In AUTO CORRECTION
mode, the imperfections are automatically corrected.
Assignable values: Free, Auto Correction.
Vocoder Track
Selects the track exploited by the Vocoder.
Assignable values: syn 1 - 16, seq 1 - 16
Transposes the Vocoder track one octave above standard
Assignable values: Off, Octave+.
The EDIT settings can be memorized to the Performances,
provided that the LOCK function is not active.
Press ESCAPE to return to the Voice screen.
10 Vocal Processor
The Microphone Equalizer
Whether you are singing through the Equinox or using the
Vocal Processor feature, you can optimize the microphone
signal by applying some EQ to the mic signal.
NOTE: the Mic EQ affects
the Mic/Line IN1 jack only.
From one of the Voice screens, press ESCAPE to return to
the SYSTEM MASTER screen.
Press the MIC/LINE button, (F2) to open the MIC/LINE
INPUTS screen.
Press the EQUAL button, (F4), to open the Equalizer
The Equalizer is a 4-band Mic Eq which allows you to fur-
ther optimize your input signal by adjusting the relative
High gain, Middle Freq, Middle gain, Low gain
The Mic Equalizer settings remain memorized even after
turning the instrument off.
Press ESCAPE to close the EQUALIZER screen and re-
turn to the MIC/LINE INPUTS screen.
Vocal Processor 11
Singing or playing through the Mic/Line inputs
If you want to sing or play though the Equinox to exploit
the instrument’s internal Digital Effects Processors, you can
set appropriate parameters for both the In1 and In2 Mic/
Line inputs.
From the MIC/LINE INPUTS screen, press IN1 or IN2 ac-
cording to which input you are using.
Note: If you are not using
the Vocal Processor, deacti-
vate it by setting the Vocal
Proc parameter to OFF.
This screen provides several parameters which affect the
signal on its way to the outputs.
Adjusts the Volume of the signal.
Varies the pan position of the signal.
Reverb Send: Adjusts the amount of Reverb to apply to
the signal.
Effect types: The effect
types (Reverb, MultiFX,
ProEFX) affecting the signal
will depend on the current
Performance being used.
MultiFX Send: Adjusts the amount of MultiFX to apply to
the signal.
ProEFX Send: Adjusts the amount of ProEFX to apply to
the signal.
Filter Type:
Applies one of the following filters to the
signal: Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass,
Parametric Boost, Parametric Cut.
A filter control which affects the signal’s
tonal character by introducing complex
harmonic overtones.
Another filter control, usually used com-
bined with Resonance, which “opens” and
“closes” the filter to change the tonal char-
acter of the signal.
Analog Out:
Selects the outputs from the following set-
tings: Stereo L + R, mono 1 + 2, 1 or 2.
Note: The Input settings remain memorized even after
turning the instrument off.
12 Vocal Processor
V.P. functions assignable to the Pedals
Under SYSTEM CONTROLS, two important Vocal Proc-
essor functions can be assigned to the pedals for foot con-
Vocal On/Off (switch control)
Vocal Volume (Continuous control)
The pedal assignment can be memorized to the Perform-
Special Midi Controllers associated to the V.P.
To control the Vocal Processor via MIDI, the following new
special MIDI controllers (Common Channel) have been
Cntrl No. Description
Vocal volume
Vocal On/Off
0 … 127
0 Off/On (toggle)
64-127 On
Mode recall
1 - Vocoder mode
2 = Unison
Voice Mute mode 0 = Voice 1
1 = Voice 2
2 = Voice 3
3 = Voice 4
4 = Harmony
Loading MIDI Files containing a Vocoder track
When a MIDI File containing a Vocoder track is loaded from
disk, the Vocoder track sets to track 5 by default.
Vocal Processor 13
14 Vocal Processor
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